體現了品牌對永恒愛情的追求。設計靈感源自古羅馬神話中「墜入愛河」的美好故事,象徵著愛情的真摯和永恆。12 鑽石作為愛情的標誌性符號,在此款項鍊上得到了淋漓盡致的體現,寓意戴者能時刻感受到愛人的陪伴與祝福。
The design is inspired by the beautiful story of “falling in love” in the ancient Roman mythology, symbolizing the sincerity and eternity of love. The design is inspired by the beautiful story of “falling in love” in ancient Roman mythology, symbolizing the sincerity and eternity of love.12 The diamond, as an iconic symbol of love, is embodied in this necklace, implying that the wearer can always feel the companionship and blessings of their loved one.
分類: 項鍊